Welcome Parents!
Want to know what's happening? How you can get involved? How you can help?
You have come to the right place!
Parents participate in the community life at St. Matthew’s Episcopal School at every level, from classroom volunteering to social activities to the fundraising events so critical to the maintenance and extension of our academic programs. St. Matthew’s Episcopal School expects parents to become involved, to learn more about their own children and fellow students, to observe their activities firsthand, and to experience the fellowship of other parents in pursuit of our common goal: the best possible education for our children. The Parent Association promotes a positive image of St. Matthew's Episcopal School, in school community and the community at large, by hosting class and parent meetings as necessary, and by promoting parental involvement and participation in school events. Meetings are held a minimum of four times a year between August and May. Special meetings may be called.
Chairman: Dr. Kalisha Hanley
Co-Chairman: Ashley Meche
Secretary: Nicole McGee
Parents participate in the community life at St. Matthew’s Episcopal School at every level, from classroom volunteering to social activities to the fundraising events so critical to the maintenance and extension of our academic programs. St. Matthew’s Episcopal School expects parents to become involved, to learn more about their own children and fellow students, to observe their activities firsthand, and to experience the fellowship of other parents in pursuit of our common goal: the best possible education for our children. The Parent Association promotes a positive image of St. Matthew's Episcopal School, in school community and the community at large, by hosting class and parent meetings as necessary, and by promoting parental involvement and participation in school events. Meetings are held a minimum of four times a year between August and May. Special meetings may be called.
Chairman: Dr. Kalisha Hanley
Co-Chairman: Ashley Meche
Secretary: Nicole McGee
Snack Shop
The PA provides volunteers for school wide snack shop held on Tuesday.
Pizza Fridays
The PA provides volunteers for Pizza Fridays.

Get in Touch
Give us a call or send us a message using the form below.